
Display Ads: Put Your Brand Front and Center

Topic: Product Spotlight

Read Time: 3 minutes

An illustration of a human at their desk using a laptop. On the right, there is a graphic of the Best Buy website highlighting a Display Ad format.

Keep your brand top-of-mind with Display Ads—digital banners and other premium ads that reach consumer tech audiences on and nearly anywhere around the web.

Explore our Display Ads inventory to learn how you can reach highly relevant shoppers to generate brand awareness, promote sales events, inspire clicks to product pages, and so much more.

Onsite Display on

Standard Onsite Display includes digital banners on and the Best Buy app—both go-to destinations for the most dedicated consumer electronics customers. Your brand can fuel consideration and conversion with your own creative or opt for a co-branded ad with Best Buy.

Dynamic Creative Onsite Display is customized to individual shoppers based on their searches, interaction with certain SKUs, and purchase history. Using Dynamic Creative Optimization, each ad loads a carousel with up to five in-stock SKUs that list product name, price, image, and relevant sale details.

  • Logo applied to each frame
  • Intro frame with pre-written copy (up to 50 characters)

High-Impact Onsite Display is a premium advertising opportunity that guarantees a much larger audience, with visibility across the most visited sections of and the Best Buy app. Utilizing Best Buy-produced creative, High-Impact ads offer 100% run-of-site, ensuring that your ad will be among the first pieces of creative that Best Buy shoppers see as they browse.

Offsite Display Across the Web

Offsite Display allows brands to serve digital banner creative nearly anywhere on the internet. This ad format is designed to drive awareness among new audiences and consideration for those who are poised to click and learn more. Offsite ads are targeted to relevant shoppers in the Best Buy customer database or to those who have previously shown interest in certain products.

Dynamic Retargeting Ads, for lower-funnel messages, re-share products and services that shoppers have previously viewed on and the Best Buy app. These captive audiences are much closer to conversion and will see ads that adjust to their search behaviors in real time to ensure maximum relevance.

Reporting the Whole Journey

Chart the progress of your Display Ads campaign with My Ads: customizable reporting that can be accessed 24/7 on our convenient dashboard. Best Buy Ads partners can receive access to My Ads to see near-real time data, download detailed Excel reports, and understand their campaigns on a deeper level.

Put Your Brand on Display

Brands work with our team every day to craft and execute Display Ads strategies that have maximum impact with consumer electronics shoppers—and you can, too. 

Contact a Partner & Category Marketer today to get started.