Success Story

A high-end audio brand drove sales event conversions with Display Ads

Category: Audio

Campaign: Sales Event

Conversions climbed

A hero visual of the 38.3% stat with an accompanying illustration of a human sitting


Choosing a sales event strategy with measurable results

Our partner, a leading audio brand, was looking for the best way to lift conversions during an upcoming sales event — along with data to prove the success of our recommendation.


Leveraging the power of onsite display advertising

Our team proposed an onsite Display Ads campaign to align the sales event with two key buying moments on and the Best Buy app: Back to School and the kickoff of football season.

To gauge how effective the ads were at driving revenue, we also recommended an A/B test. 90% of the audio brand’s target audience received an even split of three ads for soundbars, headphones, and portable audio devices. Messaging in this group showcased sales event information, including discounts to help entice action.

We served the remaining 10% of shoppers a generic message from Best Buy, providing a control group to measure against.


Inspiring shoppers with amazing audio deals

By activating Display Ads on during key buying moments, we motivated shoppers to add to their cart, buy discounted products, and spend more on their purchase. Soundbars experienced the largest increase in conversions on desktop at +64.1%,* with headphones driving the most mobile conversions with a +56.9%*increase.


more likely to convert*


more likely to add to cart*


higher revenue per visit*

Our unique onsite inventory, first-party data, and deep understanding of shopping behavior helped us deliver the lift our partner was looking to achieve. The audio brand is eager to use our findings to inform their future campaigns on

"In our test, every key performance indicator (KPI) we tracked – from Revenue Per Visit (RPV) and Average Order Value (AOV) to conversion rate – consistently outperformed our control group. Thanks to this successful test, our client is excited for future opportunities to use onsite display.”
Jaiah Kamara
Director of Reporting & Insights

*Best Buy Internal Data, 2023